Overnight Thursday, a series of explosions caused a large-scale fire at the Novoshakhtinsk Oil Refinery in Russia's Rostov region. The regional governor, Vasiliy Golubev, reported the incident via Telegram, stating that the fire was a result of a UAV attack. Emergency response services are on site, and casualty reports are being verified. Fire response efforts were temporarily suspended due to the threat of another attack, and authorities are considering using a specialized train to extinguish the blaze. This event took place on 06/06/2024 at the following location: Novoshakhtinsk, Russia.
Incident Type: Military Conflict
Event Type: Military Operations
Total Fatalities: 0
Total Wounded: 0
Police/Military Fatalities: 0
Police/Military Wounded: 0
Civilian Fatalities: 0
Civilian Wounded: 0
Terrorist/Insurgent Fatalities: 0
Terrorist/Insurgent Wounded: 0
Number Arrested: 0
Source: Ukrinform