German police arrested two teenage girls and two teenage boys in Duesseldorf for allegedly plotting terror attacks on Christians and police with Molotov cocktails and knives. The individuals reportedly discussed Dortmund, Dusseldorf, and Cologne as possible targets. They also allegedly named churches, synagogues, sports clubs, and eateries as potential targets in the city of Iserlohn in North Rhine-Westphalia in western Germany. This event took place on 04/12/2024 at the following location: Duesseldorf, Germany.
Incident Type: Terrorism
Event Type: Arrest
Total Fatalities: 0
Total Wounded: 0
Police/Military Fatalities: 0
Police/Military Wounded: 0
Civilian Fatalities: 0
Civilian Wounded: 0
Terrorist/Insurgent Fatalities: 0
Terrorist/Insurgent Wounded: 0
Number Arrested: 4
Source: Daily Mail