The Shin Bet has announced the arrest of three Israeli citizens suspected of carrying out actions related to national security in Israel under the direction of Iranian intelligence agents. One of the suspects, Elimelech Stern, was in contact with a profile named "ANNA ELENA" on the Telegram application. Stern was asked to perform various tasks, including hanging signs, hiding money, delivering packages with threatening messages and setting fire to a forest. Stern agreed to carry out the activities except for murder and forest fires. He was paid in cryptocurrency and recruited two other Israelis to assist him. This event took place on 07/16/2024 at the following location: Jerusalem, Israel.
Incident Type: Terrorism
Event Type: Arrest
Total Fatalities: 0
Total Wounded: 0
Police/Military Fatalities: 0
Police/Military Wounded: 0
Civilian Fatalities: 0
Civilian Wounded: 0
Terrorist/Insurgent Fatalities: 0
Terrorist/Insurgent Wounded: 0
Number Arrested: 3
Source: Times of Israel