Five Palestinian terror suspects, including two believed to be responsible for a bomb attack near the settlement of Hermesh, were detained near the West Bank city of Tulkarem. The Yamam counter-terrorism unit and the Shin Bet security agency carried out the operation in the town of Seida. One suspect was shot during clashes with officers. This event took place on 07/24/2024 at the following location: Seida, West Bank.
Incident Type: Terrorism
Event Type: Arrest
Total Fatalities: 0
Total Wounded: 1
Police/Military Fatalities: 0
Police/Military Wounded: 0
Civilian Fatalities: 0
Civilian Wounded: 0
Terrorist/Insurgent Fatalities: 0
Terrorist/Insurgent Wounded: 1
Number Arrested: 5
Source: Times of Israel