Counter-terrorism (CT) forces arrested a Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) member during a raid in Ittehad Town on Wednesday. CT forces recovered a Kalashnikov assault rifle, two hand grenades, RDX explosives, and an improvised explosive device (IED) during the operation. This event took place on 07/10/2024 at the following location: Ittehad, Pakistan.
Incident Type: Terrorism
Event Type: Arrest
Total Fatalities: 0
Total Wounded: 0
Police/Military Fatalities: 0
Police/Military Wounded: 0
Civilian Fatalities: 0
Civilian Wounded: 0
Terrorist/Insurgent Fatalities: 0
Terrorist/Insurgent Wounded: 0
Number Arrested: 1
Source: The Express Tribune